Sunday, February 7, 2016


Siri, how many different types of hats are there?


two hundred and ninety four. 

and i probably know about 5 of them. and thats just it. if we stick to the same types of hats that we know, we would never know how lovely a pillbox hat,boudoir hat, homburg, jaapi,mushroom hat, umbrella hat truly are. so take off that snapback,take off that beanie and look around. open your eyes to see the beauty of millions of hats around you. each different, each with their own story. they are all beautiful in their own way. Sun hats dont compare themselves to beanies, because they each do their own thing, both needed, both wanted. switch hats, crush stereotypes and embrace the glorious world around you. dont be afraid of that hat that is taller, skinnier, cooler, different colored. just go out and be proud. wear your hat confidently, because there is nothing better.


  1. i want a mushroom hat. I liked this post and way to start out with the siri question it brought out your point.

  2. I love love love this!!! Thank you for your comment on my blog, it made my day! :)

  3. I'm going through all these blogs tonight and yours is a bright spot. I'm enjoying your blog right now.

    All of it.

    You asked Siri and then you kept going. So good.

  4. You keep doing you gurrrrlllll.
