Saturday, February 20, 2016

люблю/ Liebe/ miłość/ wau ia 'oe/ حب


L is for the way you look at me
O is for the Only one I see
V is Very very extraordinary
E is Even more then anyone that you adore and love.

I dont know what any of those really mean. haha

all i can tell you is that
love is chocolate chip cookies
love is driving with the windows rolled DOWN.
love is your dad scraping the frost off your windows every.single.morning.
love is netflix. that is just a fact. we all dont know what we did before it.
love is the moon, and the mountains
love is no cellphone service.
love is smiling at someone you dont like
love is enjoying the long months of winter
love is your dog (or cat)
love is giving your mom a hug
love is long weekends
love is sunday naps

is this love is this love is this love that im feelin?
yes, yes it is.

i believe that you can love all different things. love isnt just one thing. love can be found everywhere, and in everything. one of my life mottos is "there is nothing wrong with loving the crap out of everything!" YOU DO NOT NEED A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND TO LOVE YOURSELF, OR YOUR LIFE.  you dont need a million friends/followers/likes/blog comments to love your life. love life,LOVE IT FOR THOSE SMALL BUT BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS THAT HAPPEN EVERYDAY. dont waste away your happiness because something didnt go as you hoped for today, life is toooooooooo short not to love EVERY part of yourself and every part of your fragile life. find that one thing that gives you goose pimples and have the courage to pursue it. and most importantly, remember that happy is the heart that STILL feels pain. darkness drains and light will come again.


  1. Love is Netflix. Yes.
    This post is so good, so true. Good job.

  2. Preach it. Self love is soooooo important 💕

  3. loving the little things in life is huge. i love the way you view love. it's unique and special. great post and great writing :)
