Wednesday, May 18, 2016

azul boleto

my azul boleto was: wOnDeR.
i wonder about alot of things in my life these days.
i wonder what im gonna do with my life
i wonder how i am going to pay for college
i wonder how i am going to live on my own
i wonder if im going to even like USU
i wonder if i will be able to find a job
i wonder if anyone will love me
ive decided to stop stressing, overthinking, worrying, crying, wondering.
just live today. take life one step at a time. it will do you no good to just sit back
and constantly wonder about all the things in our lives, because is that even really living? am i even making sense right now? i dont know a lot of things about life, but i do know at least one; life is for adventures and memories, and people. Life is not meant to worry and wonder about the future. embrace each day,and have fun. we dont need to take life so seriously. its never too late to change your mind, for fresh starts, redos, new beginnings. you got this.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016




all I have to say about fear is...
"never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game."

Monday, March 14, 2016


dont let anyone, or anything change who YOU want to become. Be a fruit loop in a world of cheerios. so what if your a weirdo? be the best weirdo you can be. and be happy about it. Embrace the glorious mess that you are, and dont forget to be happy, because there is so much to be happy about. and never forget, you deserve to be happy.


i dont care who you are, or how you spell it. it is not cray-yons. its just cra-ans. seriously though. whoever says it like that must not have gotten a childhood. jk say it how you want, it doesnt really matter.

I have never been good at coloring. I didnt last more than 5 minutes coloring a picture. i still dont. I tried an "adult coloring book" and still lasted about 5 minutes, then gave up. I have never really caught the idea of staying in the lines. you can do shading and outlining. all i seem to do, is snap the crayons right in half. Crayon after crayon after crayon. they were in 4 or 5 different little pieces.
i learned an important lesson, that i now try to interpret to make my high school self feel better..
broken crayons can still color.
i think we are all different crayons with our own color. sometimes we snap right in half, BUT that doesnt mean we have to throw it all away, you can still make something beautiful. you can make different strokes and shades, and sizes with it. you can still use it. 

i think every single one of us at some point in our lives (if not already) have felt the pressure all around you. just forcing you to break. 
but its okay to break. 

high school has broken me into pieces. but here i am. just trying to color. 
we should not worry about how broken we are, we should be focused on how many peoples pages we can draw on. dont worry about your half broken crayon. JUST DRAW.  

Sunday, February 21, 2016

lets talk about bricksss

you were obsessed with the thought of "one day"
"one day when im older, i will be free"
"one day, you'll see"

but what about today? you and me. we can still be free.
the thought alone consumed you
until one day i couldnt see you.
i couldnt see your beautiful smile.
i couldnt hear your stories of boys, and of laughter.
i couldnt feel your tears of your first heartbreak.
all i could feel was the cold hard brick labeled
no knife, saw or even bulldozer was big enough to knock that
brick wall down.
all i ever wanted to do was set you free.
you blocked me out.
you blocked your view of everything around you.
you hate me.
you think i betrayed you.
but you see i never meant to hurt you.
i just didnt see the "one day" thought inside me. 
i saw the beauty of the trees
i saw the moon fight back to shine its brightest
i saw our family. and how much they loved you and me
i didnt see why you would want to let all this go
all i ever wanted was to set you free and YES we all have bricks but that doesnt mean you have to block your view of all the things around you. our view is beautiful you see.
i hope one day my love can make you see all the buildings ive made.
brick after brick after brick after brick.
because all hard things can be beautiful.
i hope one day you see.
and when you do, ill be standing right by you
ready to show you all the brick buildings you can tour through.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

люблю/ Liebe/ miłość/ wau ia 'oe/ حب


L is for the way you look at me
O is for the Only one I see
V is Very very extraordinary
E is Even more then anyone that you adore and love.

I dont know what any of those really mean. haha

all i can tell you is that
love is chocolate chip cookies
love is driving with the windows rolled DOWN.
love is your dad scraping the frost off your windows every.single.morning.
love is netflix. that is just a fact. we all dont know what we did before it.
love is the moon, and the mountains
love is no cellphone service.
love is smiling at someone you dont like
love is enjoying the long months of winter
love is your dog (or cat)
love is giving your mom a hug
love is long weekends
love is sunday naps

is this love is this love is this love that im feelin?
yes, yes it is.

i believe that you can love all different things. love isnt just one thing. love can be found everywhere, and in everything. one of my life mottos is "there is nothing wrong with loving the crap out of everything!" YOU DO NOT NEED A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND TO LOVE YOURSELF, OR YOUR LIFE.  you dont need a million friends/followers/likes/blog comments to love your life. love life,LOVE IT FOR THOSE SMALL BUT BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS THAT HAPPEN EVERYDAY. dont waste away your happiness because something didnt go as you hoped for today, life is toooooooooo short not to love EVERY part of yourself and every part of your fragile life. find that one thing that gives you goose pimples and have the courage to pursue it. and most importantly, remember that happy is the heart that STILL feels pain. darkness drains and light will come again.

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Siri, how many different types of hats are there?


two hundred and ninety four. 

and i probably know about 5 of them. and thats just it. if we stick to the same types of hats that we know, we would never know how lovely a pillbox hat,boudoir hat, homburg, jaapi,mushroom hat, umbrella hat truly are. so take off that snapback,take off that beanie and look around. open your eyes to see the beauty of millions of hats around you. each different, each with their own story. they are all beautiful in their own way. Sun hats dont compare themselves to beanies, because they each do their own thing, both needed, both wanted. switch hats, crush stereotypes and embrace the glorious world around you. dont be afraid of that hat that is taller, skinnier, cooler, different colored. just go out and be proud. wear your hat confidently, because there is nothing better.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

helllooooo its me

keep it simple. keep it honest. keep it real.

 im just a girl.

 i love to travel, but ive never been anywhere instagram worthy

i am an optimist. "this world is made out of sugar, it can crumble so easily, but dont be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it."

i was born into a family of hikers and skiers.
i hate hiking. skiing terrifies me.

i have only a few months left in high school 
feel like it is never going to end

i took this class because i am terrified of it. 

i dont want to be a tourist but
 i dont know where my Paris is

i am never going to be a size 2
and some days that is hard. welcome to lone peak. #realtalk

i bottle up all my emotions and put a smile on my face to show im not hurting
im hurting

i am afraid of small talk
lovely weather we're having today!

there is nothing better then saturday nights at classic skating
it makes me feel so alive.

i am afraid of being poor but
im afraid of being rich

i am not that insecure sophomore girl

i am tired of  the same lame excuse
"sorry my phone died"

i am made of the dreams no one knows about
i will be Beyonce. 

laughing, new girl, and a nap will solve any problems.